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Pupillary light reflex


Pathway for the pupillary light reflex:

Pupil reflex pathway

Stimulation of one eye by a bright light produces an equal constricting response in both eyes due to the direct and consensual light reflexes.

Transfer of the light to the fellow eye will maintain the same constriction and tone on this pupil. However, if an asymmetrical lesion in the pathway on one side exists, the light transfers from the good eye to the bad eye, which results in less neuronal stimulation of the E-W nucleus from that eye and a comparative dilation of both pupils, and vice versa.

This is seen as an alternating constriction and dilation of each pupil as the light is swung from eye to eye.

A relative afferent pupillary defect (RAPD) or optic disk pallor, are the only objective clinical signs of disease of the afferent visual system.

